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EANS 10th Annual Young Neurosurgeon’s Meeting & Research Course

Evento: EANS 10th ANNUAL YOUNG NEUROSURGEON’S MEETING & RESEARCH COURSE Fecha: 17 al 19 Junio 2021 Forma: Online event Organiza: EANS – European Association of Neurosurgical Societies Contacto:

Joint Virtual Meeting of WFSBS 2021& 10th INU

Evento: JOINT VIRTUAL MEETING OF WFSBS 2021& 10th INU Fecha: 23 al 25 Julio 2021 Forma: Online event Organiza: WFSBS – World Federation of Skull Base Societies Contacto: WFSBS 2021

XXXIV Jornadas de Invierno 2021

Evento: XXXIV JORNADAS DE INVIERNO 2021 Fecha: 25 y 26 de Junio de 2021 Forma: Modalidad online Organiza: Servicio de Neurocirugía Hospital Base San José de Osorno y Sociedad de