Neurosurgical TV: «Micro Neurosurgery the Paradigm Shift», dedicated to the work and memory of Vinko Dolenc MD
El evento contará con la participación de nuestro país y nuestra sociedad, representada por el Prof. Dr. Jorge Mura, maestro de la neurocirugía chilena y past-president de la SNC. ZOOM
EANS Webinar: Neurooncology Journal Club
We are glad to invite you to the next EANS webinar hosted by the EANS Neuro-Oncology Section: Neurooncology Journal Club. The webinar will feature the following speakers: Jiri Bartek and Carolin
Endoscopic Transorbital Route to the Skull Base (Barcelona, Spain)
● Endoscopic transorbital route to the skull base ● Live surgery and clinical case presentation ● Endoscopic Transorbital Approach to the Skull Base ● Full-Day Lab workflow ● Superior eyelid
XXXVIII Jornadas de Invierno 2025
Organizan: Servicio de Neurocirugía Hospital Regional de Coyhaique Sociedad de Neurocirugía de Chile Coordinadora: Dra. Nicole Loyola Fecha: 24 al 26 de abril de 2025. Lugar: Hotel
14th Annual EANS Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting and Research Course
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! We are glad to inform you that the registration for the 14th Annual EANS Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting and Research Course, taking place in Sicily, Italy, on 3-5
ESUBE Request for Endorsement for the 1st UBE Masterclass, May 8-10, 2025 Montpellier, France
Download Brochure Dear Members of the Board, On behalf of the European Society for Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy (ESUBE), we are honoured to formally request your endorsement for our inaugural Masterclass
Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Course ∞ Columbus, Ohio, USA
Responding to the increased familiarity with endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery, we have modified the program to start at a higher level of expertise, and to promote discussions related to
LXVII Congreso Chileno de Neurocirugía
Fecha por definir, durante octubre Organizan: Servicio de Neurocirugía Hospital Regional de Talca Sociedad de Neurocirugía de Chile Coordinador: Dr. Félix Orellana Fecha: octubre de 2025 Lugar: a definir
EANS Annual Congress Vienna 2025
Dear Friends and Colleagues, We would like to welcome you to Vienna for the EANS2025 Annual Congress! This will take place on 5-9 October 2025 at Messe Wien Exhibition &