Welcome Message Dear colleagues, On behalf of the Hellenic Spine Society and the Board of Directors, we would like to welcome you to the 14th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Spine Society and 44th Symposium “N. Giannestras - P. Smyrnis”. Our congress will be held at The Met Hotel in Thessaloniki from the 29th until
FRIDAY, July 30 2 pm Cairo time, WFNS/CAANS collaboration presents, "Neuroanatomy: Vascular and Skull Base" chaired by Nasser El Ghandour MD and Imad Kanaan MD Published on CAANS Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/2013.tel MUST REGISTER AT THIS ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ipn9kLH6QEmwoHnpSqd_Uw
Coordinadores Comité de Docencia: Dr. Francisco Mery M., y Dr. Pedro Vázquez S. Módulo 5: Abordajes Sábado 31 de Julio de 2021 entre las 09.00 y 12.15 horas Plataforma zoom Programa Sábado 31 de Julio de 2021. 09.00 – 09.30 Abordaje Pterional - Dr. Iván Perales 09.30 – 10.00 Key Hole - Dr. Pablo Carmona
Webinar de actualización en la evidencia que ya existe sobre DTMTM SCS como alternativa de tratamiento para pacientes con Dolor Crónico. El próximo Martes 3 de agosto se realizará esta actividad a las 20.00hrs de Chile a través de la plataforma Zoom.
The EANS is delighted to launch a new, exciting opportunity initiated by the EANS Diversity Task Force and designed exclusively for our members! Apply now and get a unique opportunity to participate in the Young Physician Leaders (YPL) Program which will be executed on 21-26 October 2021 as part of the World Health Summit taking
FRIDAY 8 PM CHINA TIME Juha's China Neurosurgery Grand Rounds "EMBOLIZATION OF BRAIN AVMs: How I Treat Them" with NeuroInterventional Radiologist, Luis Lopez Ibor MD of Madrid, Spain. Luis Lopez Ibor MD, of Madrid began working with and training professionals in the field of interventional neuroradiology in many countries in Latin America, including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,
FRIDAY, 8 PM CHINA TIME 8 AM, EST 2 PM CEST, 5:30 PM IST Juha's China Neurosurgery Grand Rounds LIVE, with noted Neuroanatomist, Victor Hugo Perez Perez MD of Mexico City, lecturing on "The Art of Anatomy of a Brain Surgeon" See archive of some of Victors work with Neurosurgical.tv at https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalHealthHome/search?query=victor%20hugo%20perez%20perez TO REGISTER ON
Join the experts at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh for free lunchtime webinars and earn CME. Our webinar series is designed to provide guidance for pediatricians, family practitioners, and other health care professionals. We’ll cover a wide range of topics about challenges you may face in your practice. If you’d like to recommend a topic,
Sesiones: 20 de agosto / 27 de agosto / 03 de septiembre / 10 de septiembre Ver programa (PDF) Unirse a la reunión Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85112447142?pwd=Z2NSUnJDS3BrVWpWdWFnTzhsaDZZdz09 ID de reunión: 851 1244 7142 Código de acceso: 58H5GX
THE 2021 MEETING IS NOW VIRTUAL-ONLY Given the latest information available, the AANS Board of Directors has made the decision to move the 2021 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting in Orlando, August 21-25, to a fully virtual format. Although meeting in-person allows the neurosurgical community to come together face-to-face, current COVID-related health concerns have made it
● Module 1: Focused on the approach to the skullbase in cooperation with our ENT-Department of Professor Shick, Hands on Courses ● Module 2: Intraventricular Endoscopy and Paediatric neurosurgery ● An initiative by a group of distinguished Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base Surgeons ● Module 3: Minimaly invasive and endoscopic Spine Surgery ● Selected variety innovate